Monday, 16 November 2015

Music Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

Music Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

From my Questionnaire i have been able to acquire data regarding my target audience and what they want from producing a questionnaire in survey monkey.
From the Rap magazine question 60% answered that they did read a Rap magazine and 40% answered no. This means that there is a market audience meaning that the product would not be pointless, which is a good start.
In the second question I asked what 3 colours they would most like to see on the magazine, this was a multiple choice option, The three most popular colours were Blue, Black and white at (60%,70% and 60%). I am very happy with these colour choices because they were similar to what I wanted to use myself. This means that I can make my magazine how I like and still appeal to the target audience.
In the third question I asked how often they would like to see the magazine published. 60% voted for weekly which was a significantly larger total than that of the other two options, therefore this means my magazine will be distributed weekly and therefore would perhaps need to introduce a reasonable price so that the magazine ‘brand’ could afford to release one once a week.
Related to the last point I made, when I asked how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine surprisingly nobody voted for ‘Nothing’ and 70% voted that they would be willing to pay £1. This means that I might be able to distribute weekly if the magazine had a good source of income.
When asked what kind of rap they would like to see in the magazine it was a close vote. However, the highest percentage was News about current rappers which came in at 45%. This means that for this particular magazine I will be doing a mainly news about rappers feature article. However, in the future it means that I could have a broad range of subjects and topics about rappers and rap because the tight survey results show this.
70% of survey takers voted that freebies would encourage them to buy the magazine. This means that I would most likely have to develop some type of cheap incentive that would encourage people to buy the magazine and once again, this will be possible because people are willing to pay for the magazine.
70% of survey takers voted that they wanted to see an image related to the feature article on the front cover. This means that my article will be heavily based upon the feature article but it will gratify the audience therefore I will continue to do it.
Although making a website was not part of the task, 75% of survey takers voted that they wanted the magazine to have one. I will have to do some drafts and look at some methods of making a website because if it was a real situation a website would provide the convergence link to make the magazine successful cross platform.
In thee would you like some advertising question 70% of people voted that they wanted advertising. This means that the magazine has potential to generate more money by endorsing brands, sponsors or doing general advertising on the back page etc.

In the last question, 55% of people voted that they would like the magazine to be distributed by retailers, this could prove hard to do as it can be a competitive industry to get mainstream retailers to sell your product. However, I will have to do some additional research at some point regarding what retailer sells / pushes more magazines and would be best for my specific genre. Overall this questionnaire has helped me develop an idea of what my audience expect of the magazine and how I will be making it.

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